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Barkley 100 – World’s most difficult and bizarre sporting event?


Once a year in late March, 40 athletes converge at Frozen Head State Park in Tennessee for the ultimate of ultra races where success is hoped for but failure is the expectation. The full course is 160 kilometers loop track, run by compass and map, directional changes and a limited time period of 60 hours. Unmanned tables with a book and water mark that you have been to the checkpoints. One must return with the correct and unique page number ripped from the differing books at each point so you better stay focused. No page, no finish. In an increasingly financially driven ultra running world this is a refreshing, humbling, and inspiring look at pushing ones athletic ability beyond mental and physical borders. Gone are the pacers, the high fees that ensure colourful tables of food and drinks assist you through the race, the coloured tape to keep you on track, the crowds to cheer you on when you are low. The Barkley is about you and every hard won hill, battling the voices in your head, accepting the likelihood of failure and just getting through. Excellent viewing to inspire the upcoming weekend adventures.